크랩스에서 스틱맨에 역활 

1. 주사위 이동하기

2. 주사위 넘버 부르기 (StickCall)

3. 센터 베팅 계산하기 (Center Action)

a. 하드웨이 계산하기 (Hardway)

b. 프로포지션 베팅 계산하기 (Horn bet)

4. 게임 페이스 조절 하기 

스틱이라는 도구를 이용하여 슈터에게 주사위를 보내주고 장해물을 피해서 주사위를 가저오는 역활이다

스틱콜은 No Point와 Point On 두단계가 있다 

No Point

2= Two Craps ((Aces or Sneak Eyes) , Line Away Pay the Dont , Double the Field

3= Three Craps ((Ace Deuce)) , Line Away Pay the Dont Single the Field

12= Twelve Craps ((Midnight)) , Line Away Bar the Dont Double the Field

4=  Four (Easy or Hard) , Point is Four Mark the four , Single the Field

5= Five Fever , Point is Five Mark the Five, No Field Five

6= Six (Easy or Hard) Point is Six Mark the Six No Field

8= Eight (Easy or Hard) Point is Eight Mark the Eight No Field

9= Nine nina Nine , Point is Nine Mark the Nine, Center Field

10= Ten (Easy or Hard , Big Ben) , Point is Ten Mark the Ten , Single the Field

7= Seven Winner Front Line Winner , Take the Dont Pay the Line (Working Bets Have action Pay Behind)

11=Yo (red) Eleven , Front Line Winner, Take the Dont Pay the Line Single the Field

(( ))는 안해도 되지만 확실하게 구분하기 위해서 콜을 한다

( ) 는 필요에 따라서 콜을 해야된다

Point On 4

2= Two Craps ((Aces or Sneak Eyes) , Come Away , Double the Field (Pay DC)

3= Three Craps ((Ace Deuce)) , Come Away Single the Field (Pay DC)

12= Twelve Craps ((Midnight)) , Come Away  (Bar the DC) Double the Field

4=  Four (Easy or Hard) , Winner Front Line winner , Take the Dont Pay the Line,Single the Field comes to four

5= Five Fever , No Field Five Comes to Five

6= Six (Easy or Hard)  No Field Six Comes to Six

8= Eight (Easy or Hard) No Field Comes to Eight

9= Nine nina Nine , Center Field , Comes to Nine

10= Ten (Easy or Hard , Big Ben) , Single the Field, Comes to Ten

7= Seven Out Line (and DC) away, Pay the Dont  (Pay Behind)

11=Yo (red) Eleven , Good Field and Come

Point On 5

2= Two Craps ((Aces or Sneak Eyes) , Come Away , Double the Field (Pay DC)

3= Three Craps ((Ace Deuce)) , Come Away Single the Field (Pay DC)

12= Twelve Craps ((Midnight)) , Come Away  (Bar the DC) Double the Field

4=  Four (Easy or Hard) , Field roll, Comes to Four

5= Five Fever , Front Line winner ,Take the Dont Pay the Line No Field Comes to Five

6= Six (Easy or Hard)  No Field Six Comes to Six

8= Eight (Easy or Hard) No Field Comes to Eight

9= Nine nina Nine , Center Field , Comes to Nine

10= Ten (Easy or Hard , Big Ben) , Single the Field, Comes to Ten

7= Seven Out Line (and DC) away, Pay the Dont  (Pay Behind)

11=Yo (red) Eleven , Good Field and Come

Point On 6

2= Two Craps ((Aces or Sneak Eyes) , Come Away , Double the Field (Pay DC)

3= Three Craps ((Ace Deuce)) , Come Away Single the Field (Pay DC)

12= Twelve Craps ((Midnight)) , Come Away  (Bar the DC) Double the Field

4=  Four (Easy or Hard) , Field roll, Comes to Four

5= Five Fever , No Field Five Comes to Five

6= Six (Easy or Hard) Front Line winner, Take the dont pay the Line No Field Six Comes to Six

8= Eight (Easy or Hard) No Field Comes to Eight

9= Nine nina Nine , Center Field , Comes to Nine

10= Ten (Easy or Hard , Big Ben) , Single the Field, Comes to Ten

7= Seven Out Line (and DC) away, Pay the Dont  (Pay Behind)

11=Yo (red) Eleven , Good Field and Come

Point On 8

2= Two Craps ((Aces or Sneak Eyes) , Come Away , Double the Field (Pay DC)

3= Three Craps ((Ace Deuce)) , Come Away Single the Field (Pay DC)

12= Twelve Craps ((Midnight)) , Come Away  (Bar the DC) Double the Field

4=  Four (Easy or Hard) , Field roll, Comes to Four

5= Five Fever , No Field Five Comes to Five

6= Six (Easy or Hard)  No Field Six Comes to Six

8= Eight(Easy or Hard) Front Line winner, Take the dont pay the Line No Field Eight Comes to Eight

9= Nine nina Nine , Center Field , Comes to Nine

10= Ten (Easy or Hard , Big Ben) , Single the Field, Comes to Ten

7= Seven Out Line (and DC) away, Pay the Dont  (Pay Behind)

11=Yo (red) Eleven , Good Field and Come

Point On 9

2= Two Craps ((Aces or Sneak Eyes) , Come Away , Double the Field (Pay DC)

3= Three Craps ((Ace Deuce)) , Come Away Single the Field (Pay DC)

12= Twelve Craps ((Midnight)) , Come Away  (Bar the DC) Double the Field

4=  Four (Easy or Hard) , Field roll, Comes to Four

5= Five Fever , No Field Five Comes to Five

6= Six (Easy or Hard)  No Field Six Comes to Six

8= Eight (Easy or Hard) No Field Comes to Eight

9= Nine nina Nine ,Front Line Winner take the dont pay the line Center Field , Comes to Nine

10= Ten (Easy or Hard , Big Ben) , Single the Field, Comes to Ten

7= Seven Out Line (and DC) away, Pay the Dont  (Pay Behind)

11=Yo (red) Eleven , Good Field and Come

Point On 10

2= Two Craps ((Aces or Sneak Eyes) , Come Away , Double the Field (Pay DC)

3= Three Craps ((Ace Deuce)) , Come Away Single the Field (Pay DC)

12= Twelve Craps ((Midnight)) , Come Away  (Bar the DC) Double the Field

4=  Four (Easy or Hard) , Field roll, Comes to Four

5= Five Fever , No Field Five Comes to Five

6= Six (Easy or Hard)  No Field Six Comes to Six

8= Eight (Easy or Hard) No Field Comes to Eight

9= Nine nina Nine , Center Field , Comes to Nine

10= Ten (Easy or Hard , Big Ben) ,Winner Front Line winner, Take the dont pay the Line Single the Field, Comes to Ten

7= Seven Out Line (and DC) away, Pay the Dont  (Pay Behind)

11=Yo (red) Eleven , Good Field and Come

내용이 매우 많은듯 하지만 사실은 다 중복되는 내용이다
게임 특성상 팀워크라 서로 페이스를 맞춰가는것이 중요하다

주사위가 테이블 밖으로 나갔을경우 No Roll Dice Out 을 외친다

슈터가 주사위를 던졌는데 장애물에 가려서 보이지가 않을때 있다 이럴때는 "Call it" 이라고 외치면
베이스 딜러나 박스맨이 주사위를 볼수 있으면 불러줄것이다.

슈터가 주사위를 던졌는데 나머지 3개를 가져오지 못해서 주사위를 볼수 없는 상황이라면
위와 마찬가지로 "call it"을 외칙고 수거하지 못한 주사위 부터 처리후에 나머지 던진 2개의 주사위를 가져온다

가장 많이 실수 하는부분은 슈터가 패스라인이나 돈 패스 라인을 잃었는데
주사위를 건내줄때 발생한다 주사위를 던지려면 패스라인이나 돈패스 라인이 있어야 한다

카지노 게임 Craps (5. Hardways)